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Watch this page for all announcements - if you have a birthday / anniversary that is incorrect, or missing, please let Bro. John Throckmorton know


January 20th - Happy Anniversary to Terry & Jackie Robinson

January 25th - Happy Birthday Bro. Gary McGuire

January 28th - Happy Birthday Bro. Chris Dugan

January 29th - Happy Birthday Bro. Danny Smith

February 13th - Happy Anniversary to Jessie & Alice Edwards

February 13th - Happy Birthday Sis. Helen Burkhead

February 13th - Happy Birthday Sis. Mary Polacek

February 18th - Happy Birthday Sis Barbara Barnes

March 16th - Happy Birthday Pastor Everett Bradshaw

March 16th - Happy Birthday Bro. Terry Robinson 

March 23rd - Happy Birthday Bro. Bob Barnes

April 15th - Happy Anniversary to Darrell & Theresa Nagel

April 18th - Happy Anniversary to Bill & Charlett Wilson

May 24th - Happy Birthday Sis. Jackie Robinson

June 1st - Happy Anniversary to Everett & Dixie Bradshaw

June 24th - Happy Birthday Sis. Rhoda Wieberg

June 25th - Happy Birthday Sis. Helen Golden

July 7th - Happy Birthday Sis. Dixie Bradshaw

July 30th - Happy Birthday Sis. Kathy Dugan

August 14th - Happy Birthday Bro. Bill Wilson

August 27th - Happy Birthday Bro. John Throckmorton

August 29th - Happy Birthday Bro. Darrell Nagel

September 7th - Happy Birthday Bro. Jesse Edwards

September 10th - Happy Birthday Sis. Theresa Nagel

September 12th - Happy Birthday Bro. Don Belcher

October 3rd - Happy Birthday Sis. Alice Edwards

October 23rd - Happy Birthday Sis. Glenda Berry

November 1st - Happy Birthday Sis. Marachel Citarello 

November 3rd - Happy Anniversary to Chris & Kathy Dugan

November 21st - Happy Birthday Bro. Lloyd Brewer

November 24th - Happy Birthday Sis Dorothy Largent

November 25th - Happy Birthday Bro. Kenny Blake

November 29th - Happy Birthday Bro, Jashua Coleman

December 6th - Happy Birthday Sis. Linda Baysinger

December 14th - Happy Birthday Sis. Charlett Wilson

December 15th - Happy Birthday Bro. Frankie Dailey

December 26th - Happy Anniversary to Vern & Linda Baysinger


654035 Bible Questions Answered

Please, Pray For Ukraine!

 Special Congratulations to Bro. & Sis. David and Patty Kronk, for 50 Years of marriage together.

(Recommended Streaming!)

* * * * *

"The Chosen"





Ladies Bible Study is the 2nd Thursday, monthly, at 10:00 am. Sis Linda Baysinger  will be teaching on a different subject at each meeting. Come & Be Blessed!

Welcome to our MMA Cadets

Shoe Boxes


Starting this month, Pastor and Sis. Bradshaw will be taking a box a week and filling them. Two additional boxes will be available per week. Our goal for next year is to get 1,000 souls won to Christ. If you feel led to commit to a box a week or a month, they will be in the church foyer. May God Bless you.

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