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And for those who may question their Salvation - Remember:
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and our Personal Relationship with him are our Salvation!
No matter how many times we fall, Jesus knows our struggle, and will always be there to pick us back up and set us back on the path. Don't Give Up!
Pray (converse in spirit) EVERY day, throughout the day. Love God with all your Heart and Soul and Mind, and he will Never abandon you!

Persevere until the end and this will be you someday!


654035 Bible Questions Answered


Please, Pray For Israel!



12PM on the last Wed. of the month outside of the courthouse. Sponsored by The Ministerial Alliance. Now more than ever, let's join together and pray for our town, and Nation.


Wednesdays @ 7:ooPM

We will be starting a New series of Bible Studies. You will want to be sure to be there!

This is a Great time to come and have some Great Fellowship with your Church Family and Friends


Golden Nugget From 

Pastor Bradshaw 

If you feel like you are at the lowest point in your life, we invite you to visit First Assembly of God Church in Mexico, Missouri. When you come to us, we will teach you about God’s everlasting love for His people. We want people who are hurting to know that there is someone who cares about them. The Lord is just waiting for you to let Him into your heart and into your life.



Ladies Bible Study is the 2nd Thursday, monthly, at 10:00 am. Sis Linda Baysinger  will be teaching on a different subject at each meeting. Come & Be Blessed!

Golden Nugget

The measure of life is not it's duration, but it's donation.

Welcome to our MMA Cadets

Advice from a tree:

Stand Tall & Proud,

Go out on a limb,

Remember your roots,

Drink plenty of water,

Be content with your natural beauty,

And, Enjoy The View!

Shoe Boxes


Starting this month, Pastor and Sis. Bradshaw will be taking a box a week and filling them. Two additional boxes will be available per week. Our goal for next year is to get 1,000 souls won to Christ. If you feel led to commit to a box a week or a month, they will be in the church foyer. May God Bless you.

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